Friday, January 21, 2011

Home Grown Orange Cream Smoothie Meal

Sometimes we are in a hurry in the morning. Little time to make one of our excellent breakfasts. Or maybe we just do not feel like sitting down to a regular meal. What to do. We go into our yard and pick a couple of oranges from one of our 5 citrus trees, peel them and place them in our Vita-Mix blender with 1/2 can of chilled coconut cream, a few ice cubes, some quality whey protein, and maybe a bit of stevia, turn on the blender for a while, and then pour and drink breakfast.
Anu, our friend and neighbor who is from India shows us Americans how to buy quality food products in small ethnic markets that most of us do not know about. You will pay a lot more in the fancy stores that cater to upscale "whole food" buyers for something like coconut cream/milk - but it will be no better than, and maybe not as good as the stuff with other languages on the label. These are products consumed by lots of people all over the world every day. Combine them with your own gathered foods and you have nutritious, tasteful, inexpensive meals.
The "experts" will tell you that full cream coconut milk has too much saturated fat. There is a lot of discussion about which fat is good or bad. I think of this while I am climbing up the side of a mountain for an hour to an hour and a half in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve, or while lifting logs or doing push-ups or some such odd thing - BURNING OFF FAT! For a different perspective on fat and oil from coconuts check out the links below.    and also                                                                         


  1. We're also in the Phoenix Mountain Preserve area and grow Meyer lemons, apples and 2 kinds of peaches. What's the closest ethnic market where you buy the coconut milk?

  2. Cecilia,

    We were using a Vietnamese market at about 15th Ave. & Camelback. They raised their prices because this stuff has become quite popular. We look for it on sale wherever we can find it.

